Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)


As a part of Hofseths sustainability program ASC certification was a logical choice to move forward with. ASC has in a short period of time become a highly respected standard world wide and goes hand in hand with Hofseths vision to deliver the best rainbow trout in the market.

ASC-certified locations

All current locations certified

Location Status
Bugane Certified
Overåneset Certified (suspended 03.10.2023)
Skjortneset II Certified
Vindsnes Certified
Urdaneset Certified

Unexplained loss

Reported by end of harvest

Location Date/event
Bugane H21: -1,09 %
Overåneset H18: 104,22(+ 4,22), H20 – 2,89 %
Skjortneset II S19: +1,3 %, V21 -1,6 %
Vindsnes H18: 101,37(+1,37%), V20 + 2,18 %
Urdaneset V21: 4,31%, H22: +3,37%

Wildlife Interaction reporting

Reported online within 30 days of occurrence

Location Date/event
Bugane No registered incidents
Overåneset No registered incidents
Skjortneset II No registered incidents
Vindsnes 19.07.22: 1 incidence Lesser black-backed gull, 08.12.2022: 1 incident Lesser black-backed gull, 06.01.2023: 1 incident Lesser black-backed gull
Urdaneset No registered incidents

Escape reporting

Reported online within 30 days. Immediately reported to Directorate of Fisheries

Location Date/event
Bugane No escapes
Overåneset 5.10.2021: 132 escapees
Skjortneset II 27.7.2021: 1 escapee
Vindsnes 20.05.2017: 40 escapees, 16.11.2018: 49 escapees, 24.03.2021: 1 escapees
Urdaneset 21.8.21: 2-3 escapees, 24.6.2022: 1 escapee, H22: No Escapes